歴史ある天然染料であり、ジャパンブルーとして知られる「藍」。染め上げが美しく色も落ちにくい徳島の阿波藍は、当時高級染め物にはなくてはならない染料として全国に知られていました。弊社が独自開発した「本藍塗装」の特徴的な点は、藍そのもののDNAである染料を活用する事で、その色素粒子の細かさから 組織に入り込み、しっかりと木目の浮かび上がる製品に仕上がっています。「藍」でしか出せない木目との風合い、そして深みの ある青さを最大限に生かした新しい素材で製品開発を行っています。地域材を使用し、全て職人の手により手作りされています。またその阿波藍の活用に携わるためにも、弊社は藍畑の管理も自ら行っています。
Tokushima prefecture is Japan’s biggest domestic producer of the indigo plant. Because of this, the area is home to skilled craftsmen who have specialized in Indigo-Dyed for generations.
By developing a unique past-like substance from the traditionally-produced indigo and treating it as a pigment rather than a dye, we established a technology that can be used as a paint or spray, and applied it to designs that make use of grain as part of construction materials, interiors, or small objects. These products exhibit a rich blue that still allows the natural surface grain of the wood to be visible, unlike painted wood. Due to the nature of the process, each piece is unique in terms of the depth of color achieved. As a reason for that, we would like to hand over our Japan Blue and another local valuable resource to the next generation.

The company focuses on indigo, a local resource in Tokushima Prefecture, and is involved in everything from field management to indigo paint production.

The company has developed a long-established technology for wood products. We are also committed to the active use of local wood.

Established technology to convert indigo into paint. The technology has also been applied to various products and interior materials using furniture coating techniques.